This paper aimed to discuss ways Fortune 500 CEOs can boost their strategic organizational performance in the 21st century. Six ways to achieve effective organizational performance are leading to emotional intelligence, shaping the strategic organizational path, successfully handling organizational resources, nourishing a corporate ethos, accentuating organizational ethical practices, and instituting organizational pedals. To bring clarity to this fragment area of research, the author performed a systematic literature review of papers and articles concerned with CEOs or strategic leadership, published in leading management journals over the past 25 years. A research question guided this review: How can CEOs of Fortune 500 companies make a difference in their strategic organizational performance? Next, the review outlines how CEOs of Fortune 500 companies can make a difference in their strategic organizational performance. Finally, the review addresses how future research can build on these proposed ways and framework to advance the theoretical depth and empirical investigation of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.
Keyword: Emotional Intelligence, Leading, Leveraging, Organizational, Performance, Strategic
CITATION: Chukwuba, K. (2020). Strategic management and policy: Six ways fortune 500 CEOs can boost their organizational performance in the 21st century (A systematic review). The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 20 – 30.
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