The purpose of the research was to establish the relationship of entrepreneurial culture (opportunity focus and innovation) and the growth of MSEs. The appropriate design employed for the study was descriptive research design. The target study population was Nairobi City county-based entrepreneurs. The population sample consisted of 300 entrepreneurs from Kawangware market who had registered businesses with Nairobi county offices. The Micro and Small Enterprises were drawn from several sectors including trade, manufacturing, transport and services sectors. Systematic and Stratified sampling strategies was appropriate for selection of 60 respondents as a sample size for the study. Data collection was done by administration of closed and open-ended questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics i.e. the mean, percentage, and frequencies. Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used to aid in the analysis. Findings of the study indicated that MSEs in Nairobi City County had adopted several entrepreneurial cultures that enhanced MSE growth. The most prevalent cultures that enhanced MSE growth were opportunity focus where entrepreneurs whose business had grown had identified opportunities, strategically laid down plans and followed up to ensure implementation. Innovation both in the product and processes of doing business contributed to MSE growth. Recommendations were made on the need for entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs to embrace a positive entrepreneurial culture of being opportunity-focused and innovative in their daily business endeavors in pursuit of growth.
Key Words: Opportunity-Focus, Innovation, MSEs
CITATION: Khaoya, H., & Kimencu, L. (2020). Entrepreneurial culture and growth of micro and small enterprises; a case of Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 72 – 81.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i4.1776
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