The objective of the study was to establish the role of strategic procurement innovation adoption on supply chain performance in Kenya a case of Ministry of Education. The specific objectives were to establish the role of administrative innovation on supply chain performance, to analyze the role of process innovation on supply chain performance and to evaluate the role of product innovation on supply chain performance. The targeted population of the study was ministry of Education and the targeted population was 532. The sample of the target respondent were 160. The study issued questionnaire to a sample size of 160 respondents, out of which 35 questionnaires were not returned, and 125 were returned fully filled. The study only considered the fully filled questionnaires for analysis. The response rate is relatively good if the response rate is (70%) and above. The correlation showed a perfect positive linear relationship between variables. R Square (R2) indicated that 0.720 which is 72% of the variation on performance. The p-value of the significance level indicated that the overall regression model was significant at 0.000 which was smaller than p-value 0.05 thus showing a strong significance level. The study concluded that administrative innovation has a very strong positive influence on supply chain performance. The study recommended that ministry should adopt administrative innovation to ensure the improvement of supply chain performance, the strategic procurement innovation should be adopted in the organization. The study recommended that further area of study to be conducted on role of strategic procurement innovation adoption on supply chain performance in Kenya using different variables and in other ministries and private sectors. The study recommended that the procurement team should prepare the supply chain platform design, the procurement to use e-tendering for the bidding and supply chain management and the procurement to evaluate the bids electronically to improve quality and efficiency.
Key Words: Administrative Innovation, Process Innovation, Product Innovation, Supply Chain Performance
CITATION: Kilungya, V. N., & Moronge, M. (2020). Role of strategic procurement innovation adoption on supply chain performance in Kenya: A case of ministry of education. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 422 – 435.
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