The purpose of this study was on leadership styles and management of church youth development in selected Pentecostal churches in Nyeri Town Sub County, Kenya. The study adopted survey research design with target population of 57 church youth officials who were leaders in selected Pentecostal churches in Nyeri Town Sub County. Questionnaires were used for collecting data from the participants. Data analysis was through descriptive and inferential techniques. The findings revealed that there is a weak positive linear relationship between strategic leadership style and management of church youth development. The implication is that strategic leadership style addresses the development of the church youth in Pentecostal churches by designing a fulfilling mission and vision of the church in Nyeri Town Sub County. The study concluded that strategic leadership style triggers the youth to be future oriented allowing their development on the church affairs which leads to increased management of church youth. The study recommended that for effective strategic leadership style, the church youth leadership needs to organize meetings, gather relevant data on leadership, and participate in designing, implementing and reviewing of church policies in the selected Pentecostal churches in Nyeri Town Sub County.
Keywords: Strategic Leadership Style, Pentecostal Churches, Management of the Church Youth Development
CITATION: Gathuma, J. M. (2020). Influence of strategic leadership style on management of church youth development in selected Pentecostal Churches in Nyeri Town Sub County, Kenya . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 678 – 686.
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