Conflict between managers and employees is inevitable in any organization, whether public or private. often, the source of the conflict is employee non-compliance. managers are responsible for disciplining those employees whose performance or conduct is sub-standard or inappropriate. However, the ability to effectively address employee non-compliance is a challenge to many managers or supervisors.The objectives of the study were to establish the influence of employee reprimand system, employee code of conduct, employee disciplinary procedures and employee rules and regulations on employee performance in Kenya with a case of Mukurwe-ini Wakulima Dairy in Nyeri County.The study reviewed several literatures in line with the area of study and employed descriptive research design so as to carry out an in depth study of the organization in order to come up with relevant data for analysis. the study targeted 130 employees of mukurwe-ini wakulima dairy Ltd 50% of the population that is 65 respondents were sampled using simple random sampling method. the primary data was collected by use of questionnaires as the data collection instruments. the data was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (spss) version 21, and presented in the report in form of tables, pie charts and graphs to represent frequencies and percentages. The study adopted inferential statistics and variables were regressed at 5% level of significance to determine strength and direction of their relationship and the study established that all independent variables statistically and significantly influenced the dependent variable. The analysis showed that codes of conduct had the strongest positive (pearson correlation coefficient =.603) influence on employee perfomance. In addition, employee reprimand, employee disciplinary procedures and rules and regulations are positively correlated to employee perfomance (pearson correlation coefficient =.506, .559 and .622).The code of conduct was the most significant factor. The study concluded that employee reprimand, code of conduct, employee rules and regulations and employee disciplinary procedures positively influenced employee performance at Mukurwe-ini wakulima dairy. The study recommends that there is need to have effective employee reprimand systems, good code of conduct, effective employee disciplinary procedures and rules and regulations on progressive discipline as they positively influence employee performance at Mukurwe-ini Wakulima Dairy.
Key Words: Progessive Discipline, Employee PerformanceFull Text:
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