TVET institutions continue to face quality related challenges despite the wide adoption of ISO standards. In this regard curriculum delivery in majority of TVET institutions is bereft of quality and relevance. This calls for ISO training as a key to employee engagement and commitment to quality service delivery. However, there are limited studies related to ISO training and curricullum delivery in TVET institutions in the Kenyan context. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of ISO training on curriculum delivery in selected public TVET institutions in North Rift Region. This research adopted a mixed methodology and sequential explanatory research design. The study targeted all teaching staff of TVET institutions with an accessible population of 735 respondents. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics using (SPSS) version 25. From the study findings, ISO training explained 80.7 percent variation (R2= 0.870) in predicting curriculum delivery at 5% level of significance. This means that when deliberate effort is put to have ISO training in place it drives curriculum delivery process. ISO training had a positive and significant correlation with curriculum delivery. The study recommended that TVET institutions should embed their operations with trainings which are intrinsically ISO oriented to give impetus to curriculum delivery. The service providers need to be trained on ISO ingrained with the elements and aspects required for quality planning, quality control and quality improvement. The findings of this study could provide government with information that can be used for policy development, which enhances the improvement and consistent focus on curriculum delivery with respect to ISO standards in the TVET sector.
Keyword: ISO Training and Curriculum Delivery
CITATION: Korir, C. B., Lelan, J.K., & Kosgey, Z. (2020). ISO training and curriculum delivery in Technical Vocational Education and Training institutions in North Rift Region, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 832 – 845.
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