The motive behind the study was to investigate the determinants of training effectiveness in the Kenyan health sector, a case of Kenyatta national hospital. The research questions were generated from the objectives. This research was anchored in the behavioral theories, cognitive theories, constructivism theory and social learning theories. The study adopted a descriptive research design since it is concerned with determining the frequency with which something occurs. The target population of the study comprised of 205 employees from different divisions which included doctors, nurses, paramedics and support staff. The used both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected through structured questionnaires, and secondary data collected from reviews of existing literatures for both contextual and conceptual issues relating to the study. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in simple tabular analysis such as charts and tables employing the use of frequency distribution, percentages and other descriptive models that formed the basis of quantitative analysis of data. The multiple regression statistical model was used to establish the relationship between the independent and dependent variable. The findings showed that there were positive and statistically significant associations between training design, trainee characteristics, managerial support, training needs assessment and training effectiveness at Kenyatta national hospital. The multiple regression analysis showed that the independent variables explained 67.7 % of training effectiveness at 95 % confidence level. Training needs assessments were found to have the greatest effect on training effectiveness followed by training design, trainee characteristics and lastly managerial support. The study recommended that Kenyatta Hospital human resource managers should conduct needs assessments for training programs; that there should be continuous monitoring of staff fresh from training and provide incentives to motivate staff to enroll in training programs offered by the hospital.
Key Words: Training Design, Trainee Characteristics, Managerial Support, Training Needs Assessment, Training Effectiveness
CITATION: Waitherero, K. M., Ogolla, D., & Kinyanjui, M. (2020). Determinants of training effectiveness in the Kenyan health sector; A case of Kenyatta National Hospital. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1008 – 1025.
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