The purpose of this research was to study the influence of talent management strategies (Talent Retention strategies, Talent Attraction strategies, Career development strategies, and Strategic Planning strategies) on employees’ performance in local Non-governmental Organizations in Kisumu Central Sub-county, Kenya. Due to limited information from the empirical studies done on local based Non-Governmental Organization, the study sought to find out whether talent management strategies implemented had significant impact on employees’ performance. There was need to fill the gap by conducting a study locally, since most local NGOs had their focus on donors target and funding rather than employees performance. The Researcher used descriptive and qualitative research methods. 91 questionnaires were issued to respondents sampled from the local NGOs drawn from a list of 177 Local NGOs as per the NGOs council database (2017). Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used in analyzing the data where the results were presented in tabular form. Correlation analysis was conducted to establish the relationship between talent management strategies and employee performance. Regression analysis was used to establish the effect of the talent management strategies on employees’ performance. The study found out that talent retention, talent attraction and succession planning had a significant effect on employees’ performance while career development had no significant effect on employees’ performance. The results of this study can be used in assessment of the impact of talent management strategies on employees’ performance in Local Non-governmental organizations in other counties. The researcher recommended that further research should be done specifically on the implementation of Talent management strategies on employees performance to other sectors rather than NGOs and this would provide a basis for the improvement and proper utilization of the employee talents by potential employers who were in competition to get the best talented people to help the organization realize its set objectives.
Key Words: Talent Retention strategies, Talent Attraction strategies, career Development, Succession planning & Employees performance.
CITATION: Ademba, J.O., & Juma, O. D. (2020). Influence of talent management strategies on employee’s performance in local non-governmental organizations in Kisumu Central Sub-County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1054 – 1074.
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