Government procurement regulations are instrumental to the public at large. Women, youth and the disabled are empowered to combat poverty through use of ethical means as supported by the Government. However, all over the world, challenges facing public procurement are less inclusion due to low number of people with disabilities (PwD) accessing government procurement opportunities. This study set out to ascertain effect of procurement knowledge on access to public procurement opportunities among PWDs suppliers in Kenya. A total of 77 respondents participated in the study. The chosen study location was Kakamega County, one of the devolved units in Kenya. The study used cross-sectional research design. Data for the study was collected using questionnaires. The findings showed that there was insufficient knowledge on procurement processes for PWDs and that having this knowledge was positively significant on access to public procurement opportunities. It recommended that the Government should encourage the use of practices and provision of information that can empower PWDs on access to Public procurement opportunities for the benefit of the marginalized segments of society.
Key Words: People Living With Disabilities, Procurement Knowledge, Electronic Procurement Information, Access to Public Procurement Opportunities.
CITATION: Kevogo, S. (2020). Influence of procurement knowledge on access to procurement opportunities by people living with disabilities in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1217 – 1225.
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