Quality service delivery is an increasingly important initiative being pursued by organizations to improve efficiency, productivity and hence profitability. Service quality practices in public universities especially Moi University is slow and is further exacerbated by difficulties in measuring outcomes, greater scrutiny from the public and press, a lack of freedom to act in an arbitrary fashion. The study general objective was to establish the influence of outsourcing practices on service delivery at Moi University, Kenya. The study was guided by specific objectives as follows; to determine the influence of integrated technology practices, manpower practices, on service delivery at Moi University Kenya. The theories that guided the study included adaptive theory, utility theory and analysis. The study adopted census research design approach. The study used simple random sampling method to determine the desired sample size. The sample size for the study was 124 respondents established from the accessible population. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data while secondary data was obtained from journals. The researcher’s questionnaires were self-administered. The researcher used the Cronbach alpha coefficient to determine the reliability of the instrument. The reliability of the instrument should be 0.7 and above. The data was analyzed with the aid of SPSS version 24 and also analyse descriptive statistics (percentages, means, standards deviations and frequencies) and the inferential statistics (multiple regression and correlation analysis models) in order to establish the kind of relationship between the variables. The researcher presented the findings by use of frequency tables. The study regressed the variables at 5% significance level. Findings of the study indicated that integrated technology practices had positive and significant influence on service delivery at Moi university, Kenya (β =0.121; p<0.05), manpower practices had positive and significant influence on service delivery at Moi university, Kenya (β =0.382; p<0.05). The study recommended that the management of Moi university should strive to implement outsourcing practices in their departments as a means of enhancing overall service delivery.
Key words; Outsourcing, ICT, Manpower, Service
CITATION: Ochieno, S. O., & Kwasira, J. (2020). Influence of outsourcing practices on service delivery at Moi University, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1226 – 1235.
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