This study aimed at finding out the role of contract monitoring on performance of construction contracts in County Government of Busia. Census research design was used in the study. The targeted population was 50 drawn from administrators, engineers, quantity surveyors, finance procurement and contractors. For data collection, this study used both questionnaire and face to face interview to collect data. This research demonstrated that there is a huge relationship between performance of construction projects and monitoring of these contracts. Projects need to be assessed continuously to their conclusion for corrective measures and improvement hence achieving better performance. This was found out through correlation analysis and regression analysis of both variables under the study. From the study, it indicated that there is a strong relationship between monitoring of compliance since donor funded projects in Busia County required strict adherence to the donor requirements for them to continue funding this project. The study also revealed that its key to streamline the project processes from the beginning to the end just to ensure systems are working towards better performance. Beneficiary who are the major stakeholders in the project need to be actively involved in project implementation for its acceptance and success. Lastly, the organization need to give required resources and create a conducive environment for the project success.
Key Words: Process Monitoring, Compliance, Beneficiary Monitoring, Organization Monitoring
CITATION: Onyango, H. O., & Juma, D. (2020). The role of contract monitoring on performance of construction contracts in county government of Busia. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1298 – 1310.
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