This study sought to determine the effect of project management practices on the implementation of NGOs’ projects in Nairobi County. It narrowed down to education projects that were funded by NGOs in Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the influence of resource mobilization on the implementation of donor funded education project in Nairobi County; - and to determine the influence of team management on the implementation of donor funded education projects in Nairobi County. It was anchored on the resource dependency theory and contingency theory of organizational structure. It used a descriptive survey methodology. The total target population was 105 which comprised of; 17 project managers, 30 project supervisors from the 17 donor funded education projects in Nairobi County, 3 government representatives and 55 project committee members from beneficiary organizations. Primary data was used, where the questionnaires were administered to the respondents through the drop and the pick method and once collected the data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics to calculate the frequency percentages mean score as a measure of central tendency and standard deviation as a measure of data dispersion. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 26 was used to perform correlation analysis to establish the degree of relationship between respondents' opinions on the two research objectives and the implementation of education projects. The information collected was handled with the utmost confidentiality. From multiple regressions, it was inferred that resource mobilization contributes most to the implementation of donor funded education projects followed by team management. The study concluded that most organizations had adequate resources in terms of human labor and funds. In terms of team management, it was concluded that proper communication channels and coordination from top managers to junior staff plays a big role in project implementation. The study recommended that management of organizations need to allocate more resources to foster successful project implementation. On team management, it recommended for a seamless and a comprehensive strategy in management practices that incorporate inclusivity of all stakeholders in the implementation process.
Key Word: Resources Allocation, Team Mobilization
CITATION: Mwangi, E. N., & Muchelule, Y. (2020). Influence of project management practices on the implementation of donor funded education projects in Nairobi City County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1389 – 1401.
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