Economic stimulus programme (ESP) was an initiative by the Kenyan Government in the year 2009 to provide an impetus for economic recovery, growth and renewed opportunities.ESP was launched by the Kenyan Government to encourage expenditure of public funds in the whole Country through different projects. Some of the projects under this program were fish farming projects. The implementation of ESP was to be done through 2009/2010 budget entitled “Overcoming Today’s challenges for a Better Kenya Tomorrow”. The purpose of this paper was to determine the influence of end user involvements in the performance of ESP fish farming projects. The general objective of the study was to establish relationship between the end users involvement and the performance of economic stimulus projects in Kenya with reference to fish farming projects in Kirinyaga County. The specific objectives of this paper included; to determine the effects of initial planning involvements of end users to the performance of Economic Stimulus Projects of fish farming, to determine the effects of resource planning involvements of end users to the performance of Economic Stimulus Projects of fish farming, and to investigate the effects of training involvements of end users to the performance of Economic Stimulus projects of fish farming and to investigate the effects of marketing planning involvements of end users to the performance of Economic Stimulus projects of fish farming. The study focused on ESP fish ponds in Kirinyaga County in Kenya. Literature review was carried out based on the independent variables of the study. The methodology guidelines for the study was discussed under; research design, target population, sampling frame, sample and sampling technique for the study, instruments , data collection procedures, pilot test of the instrument and data processing and analyzing procedures. Data was collected using questionnaires. The data generated from the questionnaires was coded, and then analyzed using descriptive statistics which included frequency tables and figures. In addition, regression model was used to determine the relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. The study found out that, majority of the farmers/ respondents were males and were above 50 years. It was also established that majority had not benefited in terms of improved livelihood from ESP fish projects in the area. It was evident that ESP fish farmers were not involved at the initial planning stage of the fish farming projects. Majority of the farmers indicated that they were not involved at the initial planning stage of the project but rather the projects were imposed to them. Lack of end users initial planning involvement was therefore revealed as one of the major factors affecting the performance of ESP fish farming projects in the area since most of them got in to it without understanding the anticipated direction of the project. It was clear that resources in terms of materials, equipment, tools and skills were provided to ESP fish farming projects and the farmers utilized them appropriately. The resources that were provided for the projects as enumerated by the respondents included; fingerings, feeds, liners, fertilizers and lime but the farmers indicated that the resources especially fish feeds were not adequate to run the projects for the intended period of six months.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i2.188
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