The purpose of this paper was to examined the role of essential business communication practices on the consumer choices in the oil and gas industry. Business communication entails the sharing of information, both internally and externally in regard to the execution of company obligations towards the realization of mission and vision. Traditional mediums of business communication notably print media and visual audio communication have remained reliable and useful over many decades. However, with the advancement in technology in this information age, digital communication has really gained traction in business communication. Companies in the oil and gas industry have also embraced best practices in essential business communication in effort to appeal the ever growing consumer base in the oil and gas industry. This posits the importance of understanding the effect of essential business communication on consumer choices. This study adopted case study approach with National Oil Corporation being the organization of focus. Top managers from the company drawn from marketing, human resource and corporate communication department participated in the study. An interview schedule (Appendix 1), was used as the tool for data collection. The study established that essential business communication was a critical factor in selling reputation in the eyes of petroleum consumers. Digital communication was found out to be useful in regard to faster transmission of important information both internally and externally. The study concluded that most modern petroleum consumers were digital connected thus well confirmed on all trends within the oil and gas industry which informed their petroleum brand preferences. The study recommended for investment in digital communication, through modernization of communication systems and technologies into cutting edge high-tech systems. The study also recommended for capacity building in boosting digital communication and human resource pool for petroleum companies which is necessary for modernized communication with informed consumers.
Key Words: Business Communication, Consumer Choices
CITATION: Maundu, J. (2020). Effect of essential business communication practices on consumer choices in the oil and gas industry: A case study of National Oil Corporation of Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1534 – 1546.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i4.1881
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