There are numerous events that will pose challenges to an organization and needs to be resolved as soon as possible which ranges from those that threatens the organization’s existence, its reputation from adverse media reports and spurious social media, labour disputes and product safety misplacement. This paper discuses crises response strategies of Dana Air in ensuring its survival in the wake of a fatal crash involving one of its aircraft on Abuja to Lagos route while attempting to land at a local airport in Lagos, Nigeria on Sunday, 3rd June, 2012. This study was a descriptive research. It included surveys and fact- finding enquiries of different kinds. The secondary research methodology was largely adopted for this study. Data for the study was generated from desk review of secondary materials, books, online blogs and news reports. The findings showed that the families and relatives of the victims suffered emotional trauma from their bereavement and thus caused them harm, and the general public had to be convinced of the safety of the rest of the airline’s operations. Several airlines that suffered previous air crash and could not manage the crises effectively had to fold up. For this reason the airline’s communications and actions during the crisis following an accident is of high importance because it influences the way the airline is looked upon by stakeholders. Presenting information about the accident together with efforts to increase safety can be assumed to increase the company’s legitimacy and its survival after the crisis caused by the air crash. The paper recommended effective post crisis communication since the general public constitutes the potential customers of these passenger air travel firms, they have to regain their positive attitude towards the firms; by being reassured that the firms are taking corrective action to prevent the accidents from happening again or that the firms did not have responsibility for the events that led to the crisis.
Keywords: Crisis Response Strategies, Corporate Apologia, Impression Management, Image Restoration, Organizational Survival
CITATION: Adim, C. V., & Ekpa, I. H. (2020). Crisis response strategies and organizational survival: A case of Dana Air Nigeria Limited. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1567 – 1582.
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