This article attempted to delineate the centrality of self-leadership in defining the success or failure of today’s leader given that the way leaders conduct themselves at the individual level is a key predictor of the policies and blueprints that organizations pursue. Through a systematic review of literature, this paper established that self-leadership is indispensable practice that can enable leaders in the contemporary business environment to manage change in the most efficient, effective, and sustainable way. By the virtue of the leader influencing their actions, feeling, and thinking towards their objectives, this paper portended that today’s leader can transform group thinking towards the realization of the set organizational goals. Summary of current evidence provided a snapshot of existing patterns and trends on the essentials of self-leadership. By adopting an evidence-based approach, the paper deliberately gathered existing evidence on how self-leadership can enhance good private and public management. This review portended that organizations and most governments across the world have not been able to achieve the set goals due to weak foundation of self-leadership. Accordingly, this paper underscored the centrality of incorporating the component of self-leadership into leadership practices. Self-leadership will enhance self-awareness, self-confidence and good governance since the practice of intentionally influencing others by encouraging, motivating, guiding, and inspiring will change organizational thinking towards a positive path.
Keywords: Self-Leadership, Theories, Application, Self-Awareness, Self-Efficacy
CITATION: Daud, Y. M. (2020). Self-leadership and its application to today’s leader - A review of literature. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 1 – 11.
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