This study examined the relationship between compensation and workplace spontaneity of accredited private primary schools in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey, while the questionnaire was used in acquiring data from fourteen accredited private primary schools that had been in existence for thirty years and above, in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria. The population of the study was 420 employees of 14 selected accredited private primary schools in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria. A sample of 205 respondents was calculated using Taro Yamane’s formula for sample size determination. Data generated were analyzed and presented using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The hypotheses were tested using Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation. The result showed that there is a positive significant relationship between compensation and workplace spontaneity in accredited private primary schools in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria. It was concluded that compensation is a significant predictor of workplace spontaneity and recommended amongst others that practitioners should create more non-monetary reward and recognition programs to enhance altruistic attitude and self-development.
Keywords: Altruistic Attitude, Compensation, Self-Development, Workplace Spontaneity
CITATION: Tamunomiebi, M. D., & Akintokunbo, Y. O. (2021). Compensation and workplace spontaneity in accredited private primary schools in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 91 – 100.
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