This study was geared towards establishing the influence of transformational leadership on performance of public universities in Nyeri County, Kenya. Transformational leadership theory was adopted in this study. Descriptive approach and systematic random sampling techniques were used. Israel formula was utilized to calculate the ideal sample size of 241 from a target population of 607. Industry experts and scholars from Kenyatta university were used to test content and face validity of the research instrument while internal consistence was tested using Cronbach Alpha method. Descriptive and regression methods were adopted to analyse data and thereafter tables and figures were used to present the analysed data. The study found that transformational leadership has a positive and significant influence on performance. The study concluded that transformational leadership seeks to lower staff turnover by making people feel more engaged and included in the organization. It focuses on the positive impact of the change for the greater good and guides employees on how they can contribute to it. The study recommended that the organizational leaders need to create and communicate an inspiring vision of the future by understanding the values of the employees they lead, the capabilities and resources of the organization and conducting an intelligent analysis of the environment that the organization faces and selecting the best way forward within it.
Key Words: Leadership, Change Management
CITATION: Gaiti M. G., & Kiiru, D. (2021). Influence of transformational leadership on performance of public universities in Nyeri County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 210 – 219.
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