This research sought to analyse knowledge management enablers and service delivery at National Transport and Safety Authority. Specifically, this study sought to examine the role of organization’s culture on service delivery at NTSA and to establish the role of human resource on service delivery at National Transport and Safety Authority. A descriptive research design was adopted as the study design and the population targeted was staff working with the National Transport and safety Authority. The sampling method used was stratified random sampling that divides the population into strata or groups that included the different departments. This researcher interviewed 90 participants whose selection was done randomly across existing departments. Questionnaires were used to collect primary information. Descriptive tools of statistics aided in data description and determination of the level employed. A simple regression model was employed to determine how much the independent variables influence the dependent variable. The study established that NTSA had developed a culture of knowledge sharing and the adopted organization’s culture had a positive significant impact on service delivery at NTSA. The study also revealed that human resource impacted positively on service delivery at National Transport. NTSA should therefore continue propagating practices that promote a culture of knowledge sharing. Such may include offering rewards to employees who demonstrate absolute willingness to water these values within the organisation. Human resource managers must lead by example; they must develop strategic measures that are to be followed in realisation of all organisational values projected. Also Human resource managers should ensure that the HR policies are organised in a way that promotes information sharing values.
Key Words: Organizational Culture, Human Resource, Service Delivery
CITATION: Kihia, P. W., & Thairu, R. W. (2021). Knowledge management enabler on service delivery at National Transport and Safety Authority, Kenya . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 302 – 314.
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