This study examined the determinants of strategy implementation in public corporations in Kenya; A case of local authorities provident fund (LAPFUND) Mombasa Branch. This study adopted a descriptive case study research design. All the 95 employees from the various departments made the study population. The sample size in this study was obtained by use of the calculations in Krejcie and Morgan table of 1970. From the table, when N (target population) =95, sample sizes (s) was 76. The researcher used research questionnaires to gather primary data. In this study, the hypothesis was tested by exploring the multiple regression analysis that established the relationship between leadership, communication, organization culture as the independent variables, and organization structure; and strategy implementation as the dependent variable. Correlation coefficient was used to analyze the strength of the relations between variables. Results indicated that majority of the respondents came from the operational or lower level of management with 44.3%, followed by 31.4% who were middle level management while the top management constituted of 24.3% of the total respondents. In testing the hypothesis for the first objective that touched on leadership, leadership was found to have statistically significant influence on strategy implementation. In relation to the objective that touched on communication, in testing the hypothesis, communication was found to have statistically significant influence on strategy implementation. As per the third objective, in testing the hypothesis, organizational culture was found to have statistically significant influence on strategy implementation. Finally, in testing the hypothesis, organizational structure was found to have statistically significant influence strategy. The research recommended for all government agencies to consider leadership that has skills that are best suited for strategy success, adopt enabling communication channels and form of message, strengthen organizational culture and clearly outline the organizational structures.
Key Words: Leadership, Communication, Organisational Culture, Organizational Structure, Strategy Implementation
CITATION: Sunza, A., & Simba, F. (2021). Determinants of strategy implementation in state corporations in kenya; A case of Local Authorities Provident Fund (LAPFUND) Mombasa branch. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 326 – 346.
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