This research study explored the effect of e-procurement adoption on performance of preferential procurement in devolved system of government in Kenya. The study specific objectives were the effect of e-sourcing on performance of preferential procurement, the effect of e-tendering on performance of preferential procurement, to determine the effect of e-ordering on performance of the preferential procurement and to establish the effect of e-informing on performance of the preferential procurement in devolved system of government in Kenya. The study was carried out in 5 selected county governments of Kenya out of 47 counties which included Nairobi, Kajiado, Machokos, Murang’a and Kiambu. This study was informed by Transactional Cost Theory, Resource Based Theory, Technology Acceptance Theory and Innovation Diffusion Theory. The target population of the study was 202 respondents from departments of procurement, finance and administration as they dealt directly with procurement processes in five selected County Governments of Kenya. The study adopted a random sampling technique to select sample of 134 respondents. The study employed descriptive survey design and reliable instrument of collecting primary data was administering and picking questionnaires after two weeks for analysis. 134 questionnaires were administered out of which 98 were returned. The quantitative data was analyzed by both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Mutiple Regression, Pearson correlation and ANOVA) with the aid of SPSS version 24 software. Report findings from the pilot test of 13 respondents conducted revealed that the level of reliability was sufficient for the research study indicating values above 0.7. Findings from the research study showed that E-sourcing, E-tendering, E-ordering and E-informing have significant effect on performance of preferential procurement basing on overall means of 3.41, 3.44, 3.49 and 3.53 respectively. From the survey findings, the study deduced that majority of county governments in Kenya have adhered to the preferential procurement to a high extent and adoption of e-procurement system has enhanced performance of preferential procurement and increased participation of SIGs. It was the recommendation of this research study that there ought to be adoption of the appropriate e-procurement practices by the Government of Kenya in all public institutions to facilitate platforms for procuring entities to engage more with Special Interest Groups to access government procurement opportunities.
Key Words: E-Sourcing, E-Tendering, E-ordering, E-informing
CITATION: Sitienei, D. J., & Osoro, A. (2021). Effect of electronic procurement adoption on performance of preferential procurement in devolved system of government in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 572 – 584.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i1.1933
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