Generally work life balance has become key aspects of success in employment due to the global business market competition. Workforces crosswise the globe have reacted quite differently to work setups which deportments challenges for companies operating in multiple countries. The disparities need to be implemented in human resource practices to optimize performance levels of employees and lessen turnover expenses and caution leaders to scrutinize their procedures to adjust to new demands in the workplace on work life balance. Human resource practitioners have started to realize that work-life balance is a key issue that benefits both employer and employee. Organizations are taking serious steps to reduce conflict role in the employees’ work and family. To achieve both work and life competently depends on the strategies engaged by both employers and the employees in any organization. Management should build a work life balance that attracts, retain and motivate its employees and help them work comfortable and increase productivity. Many institutions have developed various machineries in work life balance to retain their competitive advantage in market through policies, practices, procedures, job satisfaction, employee commitment, programs, work environment and work life balance. Vibrant businesses will need to promote work and family integration to enhance the commitment of workers. Researchers have studied on effectiveness of work life balance with various dimensions in detailed and given recommendations and suggestions for future research. The present journal is on the dynamics of work-life balance with several constructs with numerous organizations on work life balance and organization support on employee services.
Key Words: Work Life Balance, Work Place, Employee Services
CITATION: Andeyo, L. M., & Egessa, R. (2021). A critical analysis of work life balance and its dynamics at the work place in a service sector . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 585 – 592.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i1.1934
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