Organizations have realized the importance of procurement performance with an essence of establishing and maintaining their competitive advantage. Manufacturing sector being prone to heavy purchases of materials and sales of finished goods in any economy values the relevancy of Supply Chain Operations in the production system. Procurement performance is regarded as the efficiency and effectiveness of procurement processes in an organization. Supply Chain Operations are considered as very important on the aspect of organization’s competitive advantage which at the end yields to effective organization performance. The integration of Supply Chain Operations and procurement functions might give rise and result into competitive performances; hence arising of this study. The specific objective was; to determine the effect of Technology Use on Procurement Performance of Nzoia Sugar Company Limited, County Government of Bungoma; Kenya. This research problem employed descriptive research design. The target population of this study composed of employees of Nzoia Sugar Company Limited who were directly associated to decision making on procurement matters in the factory. Census technique was applied on the population and the entire targeted population was examined since it was manageable. The study used structured questionnaire as an instrument of primary data collection. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were focused on and the computation was done by use of SPSS version 24 to test the primary data that was collected to satisfy the objectives of study. Pilot study was conducted in Butali Sugar Company Limited to find out the validity and reliability of analysis of data for the study. Further, a structural regression equation model was developed to test the relationships between the variables by use of the SPSS version 24 software analysis and conclusion generated was done with respect to the objectives of the study; Technology Use practices had significant effect on Procurement Performance of Nzoia Sugar Company Limited, County Government of Bungoma; Kenya. This study recommended for further study in other organizations especially service industry using similar variables and different method.
Key words; Technology Use, Procurement Performance
CITATION: Simiyu, F. N., Kadima, J. M., & Otsyulah, J. O. (2021). Influence of technology use on procurement performance in Nzoia Sugar Company Limited, Bungoma County; Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 662 – 673.
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