The world is moving towards the highly competitive environment. The field of Talent Management has caught the attention of practitioners and professionals. Despite the fact that there exists a lot of literature available to blend the existing knowledge about the talent management and retention issues, there seems to be no point of convergence especially with regards to how Talent management issues should be approached in the organizations. The aim of this paper was to consolidate the existing findings about the relationship between talent management and retention and present it systematically. The paper adapted the method given by Lage Junior et al. (2010); Jabbour (2013); Seuring (2013), and analyzed the articles published on the subject up to 2020. The results indicated that research is growing positively towards creating a new perspective and adding new dimensions to the study, More empirical studies are required in order to test the conceptual frameworks as given by researchers and new models. The findings further revealed that greater focus on manufacturing industries; developed countries and research using quantitative studies are required in order to fill the existing gap in literature in talent management and retention related studies to test the conceptual work and new concepts.
Keywords: Talent, Talent management and Talent Frameworks
CITATION: Resah, S., & Egessa, R. (2021). Talent management; A critical review of literature. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 766 – 779.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i1.1945
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