The paper established the impact of monitoring practices on the performance of modern market projects in the County Government of Kakamega. This study was guided by Resource based theory, Stakeholders theory and The Theory of Constraints. The study employed use of descriptive research design in primarily to accomplish the research objectives. The accessible population for the study was Sub County Market administrators and Number of mapped traders in Lurambi and Mumias West Sub Counties of the County Government of Kakamega. Sample size was computed using the Fishers formula. Stratified sampling technique was applied to select respondents from each stratum. The researcher employed the use of questionnaire to collect data from participants. The collected data was assigned codes and entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program according to each variable of the study for proper analysis. Descriptive statistics was done by using frequency percentages, means and standard deviation of each variable. From the results, performance in modern market projects in Kakamega County was explained by monitoring practices. The study forms a basis of reference by interested parties in future. The study is likely to benefit, sub county development committees, county government planning officials, NGOs, procurement officers, state department of Planning at the national treasury and prospective researchers in this area of study.
Key Words: Monitoring Practices, Modern Market Projects, Performance
CITATION: Omanyo, C. O., & Otysulah, J. O. (2021). Impact of monitoring practices on the performance of modern market projects in the County Government of Kakamega. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 791 – 803.
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