Solid waste has become a major challenge in many countries all around the world. Municipal councils are spending significant resources in addressing this problem but due to an increase in population in urban centers resulting from rural urban migration has put a strain on the cities resources which cannot adequately cater for the ever increasing numbers. In developing countries it has been estimated that solid waste contains 50 percent organic matter 30 percent recyclable materials which essential means that 80 percent of waste can be recycled. The purpose of this study was to assess the Determinants of Effective Solid Waste Management in Kakamega County. This is because of the increasing sites of unattended waste disposal in public spaces in the county. The objective of the study were; to establish the extent to which technical factor influence effective solid waste management in Kakamega County; to establish how financial factor influence solid waste management in Kakamega County; To determine how institutional factor influence effective Solid Waste Management of Kakamega County. The target population will consist of 62 employees of Kakamega County, 40 employs from the ministry of Health and Sanitation, 16 employs from ministry of housing and 4 officials from National Environmental Management Authority. The researcher used stratified sampling method because it was the most convenient. Data collection instruments for this research were questionnaires and interviews. Validity of research instruments was established by consulting the supervisor. The researcher employed the test and retest method to establish reliability of the research instruments. The researcher used Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) to analyze data. The study found out that financial factors played a factor in effective solid waste management in Kakamega County. Technical factors such as lack of professional personnel and equipment had an association to effective solid waste management. Institutional factors such as county lack of public awareness and policy on waste reduction, lack of clear authority and sanitation rules significantly influenced effective solid waste management. The recommendations in this research centered on determinants of effective solid waste management in Kakamega County were, strict enforcement of by-laws and policy, more budget allocation and proper waste allocation systems
Key Words: Offensive Waste Management
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