The internet and specifically social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and LinkedIn have “overtaken the world” and could be seen as the “Global Consumer Phenomenal”. There has been an upsurge in the use of Social media in the Agrovet sector across the globe. This however has not increased performance to the Agrovet sector in Kitale Town. The aim of this study was to analyze the social media usage on the performance of the Agrovet sector in Kitale Town. Social media usage and the impact on the performance of the Agrovet sector cutting across four categories of marketing, communication, networking and research. The study only focused on the Agrovet sector within Kitale town. The objectives of the study was to: find out the influence of marketing in social media on the performance of Agrovet business in Kitale town, examine the influence of communication in social media on the performance of Agrovet business in Kitale town and to explore the effect of research on social media to the performance of Agrovet sector in Kitale Town. The study reviewed relevant works from earlier studies on social media and their findings in relation to how they were used by organization. Here, the marketing, communication, networking and research were the variables used. This model employed the uses and Gratification theory. The study applied a descriptive research design. Questionnaires were used to obtain quantitative data on the subject with the aim of having acts on the situation. The respondents were owners and managers of Agrovet stores in Kitale town. The data was analyzed using a descriptive statistic that will include percentage, frequencies, scores, mean and standard deviation and regression.
Key Words: Social Media Tools, Agrovet, Marketing, Communication, Networking, Research
CITATION: Chepkech, I. T., & Tumuti, J. (2021). Social media usage and performance of Agrovet sector in Trans Nzoia County Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 188 – 200.
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