The study’s objective was to establish the influence of workforce diversity on employee performance in constitutional commissions of Kenya. Specifically the study sought to determine the influence of gender diversity and age diversity on employee performance in constitutional commissions of Kenya. The study was guided by social identification and categorization theory, similarity/attraction theory. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey. Targeted population was 15 Kenyan Constitution Commission. The population of the study was staff members in the headquarters of the organization which was a total of 623 employees at managerial level. The sample of 244 members was used in the study and they were selected using Stratified random sampling method. Questionnaire was selected as data collection too where the researcher administered them to the entire sample selected. The study conducted pilot study to enable Validation and pretesting. The data gathered was analysed using SPSS version 23. The study analysed the data using descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics were used in analysing quantitative data and the findings presented in tables, figures and graphs and in prose form. The study found that gender diversity positively and significantly affects performance of staff members in Kenyan constitutional commissions; diverse age positively and significantly affect performance of staff members in Kenyan constitutional commissions. Therefore, when employing staff, it is important to ensure that they are diverse; this will encourage their improved performance. Equal promotion of employees is important because it motivates employees to be dedicated to their work. It is also important for the organization to provide favorable environment and working conditions for employees depending on their age. The organization should increase diversity and use work groups to maximally utilizing their great participation and synergy in order to boost employee and organizational performance. The organization should ensure that there is education diversity among its employees, both management employees and juniors.
Key words; Age Diversity, Diversity, Employee Performance, Gender Diversity
CITATION: Lemunen, S., Were, S., & Namusonge, G. (2020). Workforce diversity and employee performance in the Constitutional Commissions of Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1673 – 1689.
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