Globally, the job satisfaction of public school teachers has been a major problem. This has led to poor performance in public schools. With education being the key to the development of any country, it is in the interest of the stakeholders of education to establish the causes of dissatisfaction and thereby come up with measures towards improving it. The Kenyan government spends substantial funds in the training and placement of teachers, only to have a large percentage of the teachers leave the profession prematurely. This research was carried out in Kenya, particularly Nairobi County. The choice of Nairobi County was informed by the fact that after a review of literature a large proportion of teachers in this County were found to be dissatisfied with their jobs. The study focused on the factors leading to job satisfaction of public secondary school teachers. The specific objective of the study was to determine the factors that influence of job satisfaction of public secondary school teachers in Nairobi County. The respondents consisted of the public secondary school teachers. A total of 125 questionnaires were administered of which only 95 were completed and returned. This translated to a percentage of 75.4. The returned questionnaires were edited and coded before being analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data. In view of the findings the researcher made recommendations that the government should improve factors that influence the job satisfaction of teachers in public schools.
Key Words: Job Satisfaction, Public Secondary School Teachers
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i2.199
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