This study sought to establish the determinants of employee performance at the Ministry of Education in Kenya. The specific objectives were; to determine the effect competence level on employee performance at the Ministry of Education in Kenya and to establish the effect of organization culture on employee performance at the Ministry of Education in Kenya. The study was grounded on hierarchy of needs and Durkheim’s theory of culture. The study adopted descriptive cross-sectional survey. The study population composed of 623 employees at the management levels currently working at headquarters of ministry of education in Nairobi City County. Krejcie and Morgan formula was used to establish the sample size of the study. Data was gathered using questionnaire. Data was analysed using SPSS version 23. Pearson R correlation was used to measure degree and direction of the linear association between the variables. Multiple regression models were fitted to the data in order to test the influence of the independent variables on dependent variable. The information was displayed by use of bar charts, graphs, tables and pie charts. The study found that competence level positively and significantly influences employee performance at the ministry of education headquarters in Kenya; organization culture positively and significantly influences employee performance at the ministry of education headquarters in Kenya. There is need for more attention to be focused on the education level, which will lead to the production of employees that are competent and attract foreign direct investments. There is need to adopt a culture that allows employees views, opinions and suggestions to be taken into consideration when making decisions. Also, Ministry of Education should adopt transformational style role with leadership qualities such as role modelling, perseverance, empathy, pragmatism, visionary, innovative, coaching, stimulating, and valuing employees so as to enhance staff performance.
Key words: Employee performance, Competence, Organization Culture
CITATION: Gachui, J. G., Were, S., & Namusonge, G. (2020). Determinants of employee performance at the Ministry of Education headquarters in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 1692 – 1711.
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