Challenges of career advancement in the Nigerian banking sector has led early and mid-career employees to begin to consider resigning as there are no clear career paths for them. Oftentimes due to these challenges, well-deserving employees are not given opportunities for training and development due to organizational politics, nepotism, greed and discrimination on the grounds of gender or ethnicity. To this end, it has been observed that employees do not engage properly with their jobs. Furthermore, is observed that there is low productivity in banks as a result of a lack of proper mentoring and self-development. Therefore, this paper examined the effect of career development and employee engagement in selected Deposit Money Banks in Ogun State. A cross-sectional survey research design was utilized for this study. Primary data was sourced using a structured and self-administered questionnaire. The population of this study consisted of employees of the four selected deposit money banks (United Bank of Africa, Zenith Bank Plc, Access Bank Plc and Guaranty Trust Bank) located in Ogun state, Nigeria which amounts to 1630 employees. A sample size for the study was given as (419) using the Research Advisors table of sample size. The reliability of the instrument was achieved by the use of the Cronbach Alpha coefficient with all the items scoring above 0.70. The research instrument was validated and data gathered was analysed using descriptive statistics and simple linear regression analysis which was carried out with the aid of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 21 to test the hypothesis. The findings revealed that there is a positive and significant effect of career development on employee engagement (R=0.686, R2 = 0.471, F = 343.129, p<0.005). The study concluded that career development significantly contributes towards employee engagement in selected deposit money banks in Ogun State, Nigeria. Therefore, the study recommended that career development should be based on realistic and standard methods in accordance with institutional benchmarks, indices and procedures and should likewise conform to ethical valuations and practices.
Keywords: Career Development, Employee Engagement, Deposit Money Banks
CITATION: Opadeyi, M., & Akpa, V. O. (2021). Career development and employee engagement in selected deposit money banks in Ogun State. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 226 – 336.
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