Monitoring is a systematic and continuous assessment of information and projects in organizations over a given period of time. It takes place throughout the implementation period of the strategic plan. The Kitale National Polytechnic has a five year strategic plan developed for the period of 2018/19 to 2022/23. The objective of monitoring was to compare the way things were actually done against the original plan. Organizations may have good objectives in the strategic plans but the extent to which they are successfully implemented influences service delivery. The study sought to find out the extent of implementation of infrastructure development of the strategic plan on service delivery of The Kitale National Polytechnic. Studies had been conducted on factors influencing performance of monitoring and evaluation systems of non-governmental organizations and monitoring of the entire strategic plan. However, little information was available on monitoring of the infrastructure development of the five year strategic plan on service delivery of The Kitale National Polytechnic. Descriptive survey design was employed and data was collected from management staff, trainers, essential staff and trainees. The sample was selected using stratified, simple random sampling technique. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected and self-administered structured questionnaires and interview guides were used. The instruments were tested for reliability and validity and data analysis was done using descriptive and narration Analysis. Data was presented in form of tables and the findings would benefit the Ministry of Education, Polytechnic Council and Administration, trainers, trainees and other interested parties.
Key Words: Monitoring, Infrastructure Development, Strategic Plan and Service delivery.
CITATION: Simiyu, J. (2021). Monitoring of infrastructure development and service delivery of the Kitale National Polytechnic. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 237 – 345.
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