The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Results Based Management in Kenya’s Civil Service.
Transformational leadership is that which facilitates a redefinition of a people’s mission and vision, a renewal of their commitment and the restructuring of their systems for goal accomplishment. The Public Service Reform and Development Secretariat in Kenya seeks to transform and to build the institutional and leadership capacity in the Public Service from a process orientation to a results management culture. This study sought to understand the effects that transformational leadership had on results based management in Kenya’s civil service. The study investigated whether individualized consideration, coaching and mentoring of employees by leaders had an effect on RBM. The population of study was the staff in Kenya’s ministries that are involved in the performance contracting process. Stratified Random Sampling was used to select the sample respondents. Questionnaires were used on a “drop and pick later” basis, to collect data that was processed and analyzed descriptively and presented through tables and percentages. The findings of the research indicated that the level of results based management in the government ministries; the level of individualized consideration, coaching and mentoring; and the level of employee understanding of performance expectation in the Government Departments was low. Also, the level of employee participation in decision making and the level of employee intellectual stimulation in the Government Departments was moderate. These findings indicated that there was a need for supervisors to focus on coaching and mentoring individuals under their charge for results based management to be achieved in government ministries. Employees in government departments did not seem to understand their roles clearly, making it difficult for them to know what was to be achieved. The findings showed a cause for concern and need for more focus on the leadership and supervisory practices of managers in Government Departments.
It was recommended that the government puts in place measures to ensure the leaders appointed to head government departments were transformational to ensure achievement of results based management for provision of better services to the citizens, improved accountability for resources and restoration of citizens’ faith in the management of government affairs and concerted efforts to train leadership are made to go hand in hand with institutional reforms.
Key Words: Transformational Leadership, Result based Management
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