Human Capital (HC) is an important source of competitive advantage in every organization especially if the talent they possess is strategic in nature, rare and inimitable. This makes Talent Management (TM), which can be attained through Integrated Talent Management (ITM), one of the most focused and significant developments in people management. However, despite the benefits offered by ITM, there has been a slow uptake of the practice owing to the implementation challenges. In the developed countries, research shows that only a slight majority of organizations have, at least partially integrated their TM processes. Minimal ITM studies have been conducted in Kenya since the studies done have concentrated on developed countries. The study hence sought to explore factors affecting ITM in State Corporations in Kenya, with a case of KPLC by assessing the effect of recruitment and selection, training and development, performance and compensation management on ITM in state corporations. The study adopted descriptive research design since it helps to understand the characteristics of a group in a given situation and help make certain simple decisions. A stratified random sampling approach was used to collect primary data from all the 224 respondents through structured questionnaires. Cronbach’s alpha co-efficient was used in the reliability test. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyze the gathered data using a Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 21. The study findings established that recruitment and selection, learning and development, performance and compensation management do affect ITM. Finally, the study recommends that state corporations should adopt recruitment and selection, learning and development, performance management and compensation management processes as a way of ensuring that ITM is maintained in order to attain competitive advantage over their competitors, retention of their employees and deliver quality services to their customers.
Keywords: Competitive Advantage, Talent Management
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