The main objective of this study was to determine the influence of Emotional Intelligence on Turnover Intentions in the Telecommunication Firms in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study population was 350 middle level managers of Telecommunication Firms in Kenya. The study used convenience sampling to sample 105 respondents. The study collected primary data using structured and semi-structured questionnaires which both cover all the objectives of the study. A pilot study was carried out to test on the reliability and the validity of the instruments. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The data was fed into the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for analysis and presentations done through tables, pie charts and bar charts. The study found that self-management significantly and negatively relate with turnover intentions in Telecommunication Firms in Kenya; self-awareness significantly and negatively relate with turnover intentions in Telecommunication Firms in Kenya; social awareness significantly and negatively relate with turnover intentions in Telecommunication Firms in Kenya and relationship management significantly and negatively relate with turnover intentions in Telecommunication Firms in Kenya. The study therefore concluded that, increasing self-management, self-awareness, social awareness and relationship management by a single unit would lead to a decrease in turnover intentions in Telecommunication Firms in Kenya. The study recommended management of telecommunication firms to assess a candidate’s ability to build strong relationships among employees when employing management staff. Management of telecommunication companies should employ employees who exhibit self-awareness skills and adopt ways that will help current employees to increase their levels of self-awareness. Organizations should focus on employing social aware individuals because they will be aimed at providing satisfaction and making themselves available for others. The study recommended management employees to exhibit Social Awareness. Telecomm companies should adopt employee relationship management (ERM) strategies.
Key Words: Self-management, Self-awareness, Social Awareness, Relationship Management
CITATION: Kanyoru, C. G., & Wabala, S. (2021). Influence of employee emotional intelligence on turnover intentions in telecommunication firms in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 421 – 440.
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