The emerging field of social entrepreneurship is in need of theoretical theories that contribute to the discipline and help it to grow just like any other disciplines. The majority of the literature on social entrepreneurship focuses on defining the concept rather than developing a testable theory. In addition, most of the studies are conceptual with very few empirical studies. This study explored the theories that give social entrepreneurship theoretical foundation and also establish the domain within the field of entrepreneurship. The theories are Opportunity–Based Entrepreneurship Theory, Schumpeterian Theory of Innovation, Human Capital Theory, Social Capital or Social Network Theory and Resource-Based View (RBV). The implication of the study is that it contributes to the understanding of the body of knowledge in the field of social entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Human Capital Theory, Opportunity–Based Entrepreneurship Theory, Schumpeterian Theory of Innovation, Social Capital and Resource-Based View (RBV)
CITATION: Nteere, K. K. (2021). Theories of social entrepreneurship: An empirical review. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 459 – 465.
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