This determined the role of stakeholders’ involvement and its specific objectives, which include: determining the role of stakeholder identification, stakeholder planning, stakeholder engagement management and stakeholder control on the implementation of ICT projects in Kenya. This study was restricted to the KAA Head Office and will focus on 128 staff. It applied a descriptive research design. Since this study used a census survey where all the elements of the entire population for small populations of 200 or less were used it did not apply any sampling. The study used self-administered questionnaires on 128 respondents from the target population who were given two weeks to complete the questionnaires before collection using a drop and pick arrangement. The collected data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS. The results were then presented using tables and figures. The findings pertaining to the correlation analysis showed that Stakeholder Control had the strongest positive correlation with Implementation of ICT Projects, followed by Stakeholder Engagement Management, Stakeholder Planning and Stakeholder Identification, respectively. This indicated that Stakeholder Control is the most influential factor on the implementation of ICT projects.
Key Words: Stakeholder Identification, Stakeholder Planning, Stakeholder Engagement Management, Stakeholder Control
CITATION: Ngumi, G. M., & Senelwa, A. (2021). Role of stakeholders’ involvement in implementation of information and communication technology projects in state corporations in Kenya. A case study of Kenya Airports Authority. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 28 – 52.
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