The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of stakeholders’ information on county assembly policy development in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to establish: influence of media information, think tanks information, traditional knowledge information, and academic information on policy development in the county governments in Kenya. The target population of the study was five (5) counties with 236 both elected and nominated member of County assemblies, the study adopted the Taro Yamane formula to sample MCAs where 148 MCAs were sampled for the study and Census for Speakers of county assemblies because the number is small and manageable, therefore all five speakers of the county assemblies will be considered. Data collection tools were questionnaire and interview schedule for MCAs and speakers of county assemblies respectively. The collection of the data was both the drop-and-pick method and the face-to-face interviews with the respondents for questionnaires and interviews respectively. The study used SPSS version 24 for both descriptive and inferential analysis. Besides content analysis was used on the interviews qualitative data. The results were presented narratively and in tables. The study concluded that media information had a positive and significant influence on policy development in the county government in Kenya. Think tanks' information had a positive and significant influence on policy development in the county government in Kenya. Traditional Knowledge information had a positive and significant influence on policy development in county governments in Kenya. Academic Information had a positive but insignificant influence on policy development in the county governments in Kenya. The study recommended the use of newspapers and also television and radio as the major source of information for policy development because major events are reported through print and television. The study also recommended for the use of political analysts, legal experts experienced and professional consultants and directors with a better understanding of policies; the utilization of traditional knowledge including use of traditional education, traditional sites and traditional use of medicine, traditional knowledge on the ecosystem because they positively and significantly influenced policy development. Finally, the study recommended the utilization of more academic research to see whether better policy development would be revealed because there was low uptake of academic information in the county government.
Key Words: Media information, County, Assembly, Policy, Development
CITATION: Aidi, J. K. M., & Omwenga, J. Q. (2021). Influence of media information on county assembly policy development. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 784 – 793.
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