The main objective of this study was to determine the factors influencing the decline of international tourists’ arrivals in Kenya. The specific objectives include: to establish the extent to which security influences the decline of international tourists’ arrivals in Kenya; to determine if infrastructure affects the decline of international tourists’ arrivals in Kenya; to evaluate if visa fees influences the decline of international tourists’ arrivals in Kenya and; to establish whether marketing by the Government of Kenya influences international tourists’ arrivals in Kenya. This study was conducted on members of Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO). The study used survey research. It utilized stratified random sampling technique and questionnaires to get information from the population. The study utilize questionnaires to gather information from the respondents. 92 filled in and returned the questionnaires giving a response rate of 76%. International tourist concern when visiting Kenya shows that 88% are concern about terrorism. Results show that 69% of tour operators are concern about terrorism, 23% are concern about robbery. The perception of security by international tourist show that 39% of the respondents indicate that international tourist perception on security is real, 29% think that it may be real, 27% believe to be exaggerated. Opinion of tourist on Visa Fee from source market shows that 39% noted that Visa Fee are affordable, 35% noted to be high, 21% noted that it is similar to other countries. Quality of hotels and tourist centers shows that 96% noted that quality of hotels and tourist centers are very important in attracting international tourist while 4% noted to be moderately important. Form of marketing Kenya in source market shows that 77% of the respondents use internet to market Kenya. Kenyan government uses tourism expos with 47% response. What government should do in marketing Kenya show that creation of awareness in source market with 50% responses noted that the government should continue creating awareness to tourist in the source market. The study recommends that security issues for international tourist should be taken seriously by all stakeholders. The study also recommends that the government should continue reviewing Visa Fee on a periodic phases such that on low seasons, the government should subsidize Visa Fee to maintain the level of tourist and on pick seasons to revise it to boost revenue collection. The private sector and the government should maintain international standards of hotels and tourist centers. The government should improve road network in the country more so in the tourist centers and sites.
Key Words: International Tourists, Arrivals
Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i2.206
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