This study investigated the influence of retention strategies on employee performance in Kenya, A case of the Bomas of Kenya. Improvement in employee retention is essential to reduce HRM practices cost and overall growth of the organization. The study adopted the following variable to explain the relationship between the influence of retention strategies on employee performance, to establish the influence of employee empowerment programs on employees’ performance. The target population of this research study was 197 employees comprising of senior and junior level. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data gathered and findings presented mainly through tables, pie charts and bar graphs. Regression model was developed to check the relationship between retention strategies and employee performance. The study is useful to Hotel association during the development of retention strategies that are deemed useful in alleviating the turnover rate experienced in the industry. The study creates critical and crucial knowledge to the stakeholders and management as well as corporate institutions which will help them in decision making. The study findings benefit scholars/researchers who wish to undertake further studies aimed at improving employee retention strategies.
Key Words: Employee, Empowerment, Programs, Performance, Bomas of Kenya
CITATION: Okidiang, J. J., Omwenga, J, Q. (2021). Influence of employee empowerment programs on employee performance at the Bomas of Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 840 – 848.
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