The main purpose of this study was to determine readiness to accept and use ICT among medical practitioners in health services delivery by investigating medical practitioners’ perception on factors of influence in acceptability and use of ICT. The study focused on 3 factors that have been identified to be of significant influence in ICT use namely; perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and social pressure. The study therefore aimed at determining whether perceived usefulness of ICT, perceived ease of use of ICT and social pressure in ICT use, have influence on ICT use by medical practitioners. Using a survey method, a descriptive research methodology was adopted for the study and a stratified sampling technique used to define a sample size that consisted of doctors, clinical officers and nurses from the accessible population of medical practitioners in Kiambu district hospitals. The identified medical practitioners were requested to respond to questionnaires provided. The responses collected from the respondents were evaluated using descriptive analysis based on a multi regression model after which the outcome was presented using frequency distribution tables. The study findings were that, perceived usefulness of ICT positively influences its use by medical practitioners to a great extent where ICT enhances the security of patients’ health records as well as increasing the effectiveness of health service delivery. The study revealed that perceived ease of use of ICT influences its use by medical practitioners to a great extent since learning how to use ICT was perceived not easy and that it may require a lot of time learning how to use ICT system. The study established that users with limited ICT skills and knowledge tend to rely heavily on other people’s opinion about ICT at early stages of ICT adoption hence confirming the influence of social pressure on ICT users.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i1.208
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