The study's general objective was to determine the influence of project management practices on the implementation of projects in Busia county government. The following theories directed the study: Resource-Based Theory, Stakeholder Theory, Planning Theory, and Institutional Theory. The study was descriptive in nature. The population for this analysis was 61 respondents. Due to the small population size of the sample, a census form was used. There was a total of 61 respondents. Primary data was gathered by the use of questionnaires. The data from the questionnaire was updated and coded in order to present a meaningful finding. Quantitative data was analyzed and visualized using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, frequency, and percentages. This was possible with SPSS version 20.0. The regression model noted that taking all factors into consideration (planning practice, monitoring and evaluation, and stakeholder participation) to be constant zero, the implementation of project implementation of projects in County Governments with an index of 3.542. The study results taking into consideration of the independent variables to be zero then a unit increase in planning practice can lead to an increase of 0.05 in the implementation of projects in the county governments; a unit increase in governance practice of 0.227 can lead to an increase in implementations of projects in county governments and a unit increase of 0.01 by monitoring and evaluation can lead to an increase in implementation of projects in county Government and lastly a unit increase in stakeholder participation leads to an increase in implementation of projects in County Government. This implied that the four study variables had a strong positive relationship to the dependent variable which was implementation of projects in County Governments. The study recommended that: project planning should involve all parties involved in the project implementation process so that the project implementation cycle should be more effective and efficient. The study recommended that monitoring and evaluation reports should be shared on time to enhance evaluation of project and also adoption of feasibility measures in the due project implementation cycle. Stakeholder involvement is important in the long term success of project implementation and completion. Therefore, the study recommended that strict scrutinization of project teams to be done to ensure that all the stakeholders are well represented. This will ensure that various needs are effectively addressed.
Keyword: Planning Practices, Stakeholder Participation, Governance Practice Monitoring and Evaluation
CITATION: Imailuk, J. O., & Omwenga, J. Q. (2021). Influence of project management practices on the implementation of projects in county governments: A case study of Busia County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 55 –67.
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