This study examined the relationship between opportunity-seizing capability and corporate vitality of domestic airlines in Nigeria. The study adopted an explanatory cross sectional survey research design which was carried out at the organizational level of analysis. The population of this study was the nine (9) operational scheduled domestic airline operators in Nigeria. The managers involved were: Station Managers, Cabin Service Managers, Director of Airline Services, Operation Managers and Regional Managers. The study adopted the entire population as a census. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using the Cronbach alpha reliability instrument with all items scoring above 0.70. The Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient was utilized to establish the level of relationship as hypothesized with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 23.0. Findings from the study revealed a strong positive significant relationship between opportunity-seizing seizing capability and corporate vitality of domestic airlines in Nigeria. It was concluded that opportunity-seizing capability significantly relates with corporate vitality of domestic airlines in Nigeria. Implying that when domestic airlines in Nigeria deploy opportunity-seizing capabilities which are vital because of the ability to identify and seize venture opportunities which contributes to the firm’s vitality, survival and growth. It was recommended that there is need for domestic airlines managers to frequently acquire knowledge about their competitive and market trends from external sources so as to be able to identify and acquire external knowledge (such as; market, customer trends) very quickly. Organizations should develop formal systems of circulating new information about the market trends in form of documents (such as, reports, newsletters) to update everyone within their respective organizations.
Keyword: Opportunity-Seizing Capability, Corporate Vitality, Flexibility, Entrepreneurial Mindset
CITATION: Adim, C. V. & Asawo, S. P. (2021). Opportunity-seizing capability and corporate vitality of domestic airlines in Nigeria . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 564 – 578.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i4.2124
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