This paper explored the impact of competitive strategies on performance of organizations and also decision quality on this relationship. The study asserted that the theoretical base is useful in explaining and predicting decisions and relationships. This paper reviewed general and empirical literature including the theories underpinning the present study. The main variables of the paper included competitive strategies; decision quality and organizational performance that were explored in relation to the contribution of previous scholars and pertinent commentators. Organizations that do not reform themselves to achieve superior influence, efficiency, and accountability particularly in a gradually more global competitive environment are bound to die a natural death. This is due to inability to apply quality decisions and managerial control over organizational operation. Inspired by this assertion supported by several other findings as will be hereby reviewed, the present paper was thus principally concerned with analyzing competitive strategies and its impact on the performance. The paper concluded that thinking strategically and employing competitive strategies have positive effects on the organizations’ performance. As such, today organizations from both the private and public sectors have taken the practice of strategic management seriously as a tool that can be utilized to fast track their performances. Quality decisions are arguably important ingredients in the conduct of competitive strategies.
Key words: Competitive Strategies, Decision Quality, Firm Performance
CITATION: Nyaberi, J. P. L. (2021). Competitive strategies and firm performance: The moderating role of decision quality. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 626 – 634.
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