Performance appraisal is one of the key elements of any organizations drive towards competitive advantage through continuous performance improvement. When effectively carried out performance appraisal promote and enhance teachers’ job satisfaction that entail productivity, accountability and efficiency at work, thus improve performance of students and the school in general. Despite these clear benefits, recent studies have established that teachers have negative perception about performance appraisal which has caused truancy, indiscipline, resistance and significant staff turnover from the teaching profession. Thus, this study investigated the effect of performance appraisal on job satisfaction among teachers in public secondary school in Kapsaret Sub County, Kenya. Specifically, the study examined the effect of performance appraisal training and performance-based compensation/rewards on teachers’ job satisfaction in Kapsaret Sub County. The study was guided by Alderfer’s Erg Theory and Maslow hierarchy of needs Theory. Descriptive survey design was used with a study population of 80 heads of departments from the 18 secondary schools in Kapseret Sub- County using census inquiry. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study findings showed that there was a statistically significant effect of performance appraisal training and performance-based compensation/rewards on teachers’ job satisfaction in Kapsaret Sub County thus rejecting the null hypotheses. However performance appraisal training had a negative variation on job satisfaction amongst the teachers. In this regard there is need for strengthening monitoring an evaluation strategies to strengthen performance evaluation towards enhancing job satisfaction.
Key words: performance appraisal training, performance-based compensation and job satisfaction
CITATION: Jepngetich, M., Ochieng, I., Gakobo, T., & Onyango, R. (2021). Effects of performance appraisal on job satisfaction among public secondary school teachers in Kapsaret Sub County, Uasin-Gishu County Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 911 – 933.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i4.2152
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