Organizations both depend on a high degree of employee commitment to their corporate brand and expect a high degree of employee commitment as a result of their corporate brand. The effect of recruitment on employer branding is one of the latest trends and strategies adopted by many organisations so as to remain competive. This study sought to establish the effect of recruitment employed by the licensed mobile firms in the telecommunication sector in Kenya with the aimed of promoting employer branding. The study established the relationship that exists between recruitment and employer branding on selection, hiring process, sourcing and screening in the mobile telecommunication sector. The study used a descriptive design. Data was collected using a structured self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered to all the four firms identified and the target population was all the top, middle and lower level managers totaling to three hundred and ninety (390). To ascertain the validity and reliability of questionnaire, a pre-test and pilot survey was conducted.
Data analysis involved statistical computations for averages, percentages, coefficient of correlation and multiple logistic regression analysis. Statistical computer software (SPSS and Ms Excel) were used in data analysis. The study found that recruitment factors such as selection, hiring process, sourcing and screening have positive and significant effect on employer branding. The study recommended adoption of a written procedure on employee recruitment by all mobile telecommunication companies. Recruitment process should also be transparent in the organization. This will boost the employer branding.
Key Words: Employer Branding, Recruitment factors, Telecommunication Sector in KenyaFull Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i1.218
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