The public administration environment is becoming increasingly complex and there is also an increasing need to align society needs with the limited available resources. This requires that funds that are made available and be used for the purpose which they were provided for. In Kenya, fiscal policy in macroeconomic management has continued to be a complex area and is often characterized by increasing inflation and interest rates, budget deficits, low economic growth rates and a rising debt burden. This study sought to establish determinants of budgetary allocation process in public institutions in Kenya, and in specific with reference to Mandera County. Descriptive research design was used for the current study. The target population was 280 employees of Mandera County, 29 MCA and 904 Citizen of Mandera County. Stratified random sampling was used in selection of sample size of 292 respondents. This study sampled 67 employees, 7 MCA and 218 citizen of Mandera County. The study collected both primary and secondary data. Primary data was gathered using semi-structured questionnaires. Descriptive analysis was used, which included the use of weighted means, standard deviation, relative frequencies and percentages. Tables and other graphical presentations were appropriately used to present the data that was collected for ease of understanding and analysis. The study concluded that Citizen Participation improves budgetary allocation process in Mandera County. It also established that political interference does not improve the process of budgetary allocation. It was also concluded that citizen legal framework affects budgetary allocation process in Mandera County and budget review affects budgetary allocation process in Mandera County. The study recommended that the politicians need to encourage citizens to participate actively in the budgetary allocation process.
CITATION: Omar, M. A., & Minja, D. (2017). Determinants of budgetary allocation process in county governments in Kenya: A case of Mandera County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 855 – 870.
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