Water sector reform was thought would help ensure adequate supply of water and transform the socio- economic status of Mandera County Citizens. Nothing so far shows that water challenges in Mandera County would soon end. It is in this regard that the study assessed the role of water sector reforms in enhancing socioeconomic development in Mandera County. To achieve this objective the study analyzed the effects of operation cost, community participation, policy, and sustainability concerns on socio-economic development in Mandera County. The study employed used descriptive research design which sought to establish factors associated with certain occurrences, outcomes, conditions or types of behavior. The target population was 540 and the sample size was 10% of the target population which was 54. Questionnaires were used to collect Data. A computer aided statistical package for social sciences was employed for analysis. The study found that operation cost, community participation, policy and sustainability concern had a statistically significant influence on socioeconomic development in Mandera County. The study concluded that operational cost, community participation, policy and sustainability concern is significantly and positively related to socioeconomic development. The study recommended that the county government should have a proper outline of the operational costs of the water reforms. This will ensure that all costs of reforms are covered to achieve the intended goal. The study suggested that the county government should ensure that it incorporate the community in every step of the water reforms. This will enhance community participation in government activities. The study recommended that the county government should improve on the policy on water reforms. This will ensure effective implementation of the projects. The study suggested that the county government should have a thorough research on sustainability of the water reforms. This will ensure that they promote socioeconomic development.
Key words: Operational Cost, Community Participation, Policy, Sustainability Concerns, Socio-economic Development.
CITATION: Omar, M. A., & Owino, G. O. (2015). Assessment of the role of water sector reforms in enhancing socio-economic development: A case study of Mandera County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 1044 – 345.
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