The main objective of this study was to investigate the factors influencing humanitarian logistics performance in Lamu County. The geographical scope of the study was Kenya Red Cross Society in Lamu County. The study employed descriptive research design and it was quantitative in nature. The target population was derived from the entire staff of Kenya Red Cross Society and volunteers which were 57 respondents. Both primary and secondary data was collected where primary data was collected by use of semi-structured questionnaires and secondary data collected from already existing materials. The data collected was analysed, summarized and tabulated by use of SPSS Version 25 statistical tool. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to summarize the results for each of the main objective of the study. The study results established that the red cross staff were well trained to handle logistic issues and the society engages only those staffs who possess required skills to handle logistic function. The study results showed that the warehouse handling equipment were adequate and that the layout of the humanitarian warehouse was well designed. The study concluded that the humanitarian organization conducts budgeting for the humanitarian relief needed in a given period of time. The budgeting is made possible by demand forecasting which in most cases is uncertain. The study concluded that the humanitarian organization coordinates with other stakeholders while planning for humanitarian logistics and this planning is addressed by the available budget and resources. The study concluded that the humanitarian organizations receive and sends timely information which is of high quality to assist in humanitarian decision making. The warehouses should be manned by experienced logistics staff who would optimize storage capacity of the warehouse. The handling equipment should be tailor made for the warehouses to ensure swift response to humanitarian disasters. The humanitarian organizations should establish a framework to enable coordination with the stakeholders during humanitarian response planning. The researcher recommended that the humanitarian organizations should have an information systems to integrate interfunctional information flow. These information systems should have the capability to communite with external entities in real time and should be effective and reliable.
Key Words: Warehousing Capacity, Planning, Logistics Personnel Competence, Logistics Information Systems
CITATION: Chavasu, T. L., & Kitheka, S. (2022). Factors influencing performance of humanitarian logistics in Lamu County: A case study of the Kenya Red Cross. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 436 – 453.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i1.2196
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