The study entitled “Effect of risk response and strategies on public interest program performance in Rwanda. A case of Ubudehe named program in the District of Musanze 2010-2020” was conducted for achieving or assessing the extent to which performance of Ubudehe program was affected by risk response and strategies ensured by program coordinators. The researcher used both primary and secondary data. Data from secondary sources were got using documentary search and primary data were collected from 104 Musanze District staffs working with Ubudehe program. To select all these respondents, the researcher used census sampling and purposive sampling and data were collected using questionnaire, interview, observation & documentation as main tools for data collection. Data were presented as descriptive associated with inferential statistics (Bivariate correlation analysis) as the outcomes of SPSS version 20. It was found that, Ubudehe program management were not achieved 100% clean audit, not 100% ensuring risk response and strategies however they had achieved both at good rate (above 80%), there was need of maximization, so that the program performance also could reach 100%. It was recommended that; management should organize training (regularly) for ensuring proper use of risks management strategies to ensure the program well performing. These training should cover the contents of public interest’s program risks assessment, management, and mitigation. It should include planning skills, project implementation skills and project evaluation & reporting and stakeholder management.
Key words: Effect; Risk response and strategies Performance; Public Interests; Program.
CITATION: Uwineza, C., & Dushimimana, J. D. (2022). Effect of risk response and strategies on public interest program performance in Rwanda. A case of Ubudehe named program in the district of Musanze 2010-2020. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 518 – 527.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i1.2200
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